What Self-Employed Jobs Pay Well?

a woman sitting on a bed using a laptop

if you don’t know where to start. Having a genuine passion for the work you want to do is important, and going into business for yourself can be a great way to turn that passion into a job. One major downside to running your own business is that doing so requires self-motivation, dedication, and a lot of discipline. To help you find a career you enjoy, here are a few ideas to help you decide on what business you should start for yourself.

Writers have a significant presence as freelancers, so you might be able to make some money if you know how to write. Writing on a blogging platform can be one way to start a career as a writer. This can be very difficult to pull off, however, and you shouldn’t expect to earn money in the short-term. You will likely need to integrate specific strategies into your blogging. Search Engine Optimization, for example, is a great way to reach your target audience through specific keywords and search terms. The amount of money that a blog generates is tied to how much traffic it gets, and paying attention to SEO can increase the chances of your blog showing up when someone searches a topic related to the content on your site. Alternatively, if you’re more interested in making money sooner rather than later, you can try to get published in a journal or other online media outlet. Successfully pitching an article for publication is a topic worth exploring in detail by itself, so be prepared to do a lot of research and build a good portfolio of work if you can. Writing takes a lot of work if you want to make a career out of it, but it is possible. 

Going into a career selling cars can potentially be profitable if you know where to start. Traditional car sales professionals are not self-employed in that they are not working for a big company, but they do often get a commission on sales that they make. Indeed, you could find fulfillment in car sales if you enjoy a more hands-on sales environment since people who are looking to buy a car are rather interested in interacting with car salespeople

Going the extra mile and running your own car dealership can be quite difficult, but it can be done. Running such a business requires several kinds of bonds, different kinds of licenses depending on what cars you aim to sell, and a fair amount of startup capital. The challenges unique to car dealerships have to be dealt with in addition to other more common challenges like successful business marketing, so if you want to get your name out as a business that has used cars for sale in Ghana it may not hurt to take a few courses in business management as well.

People who have money will always need a place to store it, so starting a credit union may be worthwhile as well. Starting a business that people will entrust their money to has its own set of rules and regulations as well, so you should create your business plan with care so as not to accidentally break any laws. A credit union is still a business, however, so if you are a qualified business professional, find qualified help if you are not qualified, and you conduct the appropriate marketing for credit unions, you should be well on your way to success.

No business is perfect, and starting your own business can be extremely difficult if you are inexperienced. If you are honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses and learn from your mistakes, however, you will have a much easier time running your business in the long run.

Isla Leighton is the Founder & Editor behind Rock Salt Plum, a digital community curated to deliver an accessible yet sophisticated lifestyle standard. The inspiration behind the brand’s creative drive and style influence is mirrored in Isla’s day-to-day experiences and passion for beautiful design, personal growth, and elegant lifestyle content.

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